Top 15 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight On A Low-Carb Diet

Low-carb diets are very effective. That is a scientific fact. However, as with any diet, people sometimes stop losing before they reach their desired weight. 1. You Are Losing Fat, You Just Don’t Realize it Weight loss isn’t a linear process. Bottom Line: Weight loss isn’t linear and there’s a lot more to weight than just body fat. Be patient and use other ways of measuring than just the scale. 2. You’re Not Cutting Back on Carbohydrates Enough . Bottom Line: If you are carb sensitive, then you may want to temporarily eliminate fruits and eat less than 50 grams of carbs per day. 3. You’re Stressed All The Time Bottom Line: Chronic stress can have negative effects on your hormonal environment, making you hungrier and preventing you from losing weight. 4. You’re Not Eating Real Food bottom Line: You need to replace the carbs with real, nutritious foods. To lose weight, stick to meats, fish, eggs, healthy fats and vegetables. 5. You’re Eating Too Many Nuts 6. You’re Not Sleeping Enough Click to download Dr.KIM Meal Plan chart For 1 Week Bottom Line: Sleep is absolutely crucial for optimal health. Studies show that a lack of sleep can make you eat more and gain weight. 7. You’re Eating Too Much Dairy Bottom Line: The amino acid composition in dairy proteins make them spike insulin fairly effectively. Try eliminating all dairy except butter. 8. You’re Not Exercising Right (or at all) 9. You’re Eating Too Many Sweeteners 10. You Have a Medical Condition Getting in Your Way 12. You’re Cheating Too Often 13. You’re Eating Too Many Calories 14. You Don’t Have Realistic Expectations 15. Not follwing Dr.KIM 1,200-Calorie, Low-Carb Diet Meal Plan


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